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Raw Honey


Raw Honey is a term used by people to describe Honey that has been extracted from the honeycomb and jarred with minimal processing.


To abide by the current food regulations the honey must be filtered after extraction.  This is the minimum level of processing.


To get the honey to flow through a filter which is fine enough to satisfy Food Standards requires that it has a low viscosity.


Honey has a low viscosity when in the hive.  So if the beekeeper is able to remove the honey from the hive and extract it immediatley, before it has a chance to cool, it can be filtered.  This is very difficult to achieve.


If the honey cools either before or after extraction then, to reduce the viscosity, the honey must be heated to about 50ºC for a period of time.  Not all Beekeepers have the facilities to accurately control this heating process.

Once the honey has been filtered it must be put into the jars, ready for sale.  In the jar the honey will, over time, naturally granulate, becoming cloudy and eventually becoming solid.

It would be illegal to use the term "Raw Honey" on a label to describe the honey in a jar.  The Honey Regulations (2015) gives a specific list of names that can be legally used to describe honey.

(Link to Honey (England) Regulations 2015)

Cut Comb Honey

If you wish to eat honey which has had no processing buy containers of CUT COMB.

Cut Comb is honey taken from the hive and then the honeycomb is cut into sections and placed in containers with NO processing at all.  

The best Cut Comb honey is produced from Summer Flowers.  Even then this honey will, over time, granulate.  

So for the best Cut Comb buy it between June and October.  

To provide cut comb all year round the Beekeeper has to slow down the granulation process.  That can be done by keeping  the containers of cut comb in the freezer until time to sell them.

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